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Hi, my name is Courtney! 


I am a 22 year old from Alberta, Canada and have been a major dog lover for as long as I can remember. My whole passion is dogs, cats and any kind of art. I have 2 Border Collies and have a couple kitties. When I got my first Border Collie, I found out I really had a talent for training dogs. I've been competing in dog agility with her since 2011. We have attended AAC Regionals yearly since 2012 and are competing in the highest level of AAC and dabble for fun in NADAC. She's a very special dog to me. I recently started competing with my younger dog in agility in early 2017. I compete with both dogs in disc and my younger dog is really competitive in the sport.


My passion for art led me to believe I wanted to pursue a career in digital art but I just keep going back to a career involving animals. I graduated from Vet Tech school in April of 2016 and have been working as a tech since then at a wonderful clinic. 


Photography is also something I am extremely interested in. Having gotten my first DSLR in 2012, I have been experimenting and learning quite a lot about how photography works. 






About the Artist!

I also really have a passion for art, as well as dogs. So with this, all my art seems to relate back to a dog or is of a dog somehow. I did a lot of art in highschool, each project about animals. I've done alot of painting, sketching, ink work, ect. I've been drawing since I could remember as well. I have always been finding some way to figure out new art projects. Most recently has been digital art and my woolies but I've even dabbled in card making and scrapbooking in the past.

I have a real love for expressing myself through any kind of creation that I can. So this is how my woolie business started. I learnt about the process online and found they were much too expensive to order for myself as I couldn't find any for under $150 each, some going up to $300 and more!! I was really intrigued by the process so I did hours of research and searching store to store to get myself started. I was able to find some really cheap supplies and figure out how it all works. I realized it was quite fun and I really loved how the creation progressed so I started my search online for some better, higher quality supplies. I did a couple practice ones with my new higher quality materials and instantly fell in love and knew this was something I needed to offer to the public. 





One of my most special agility runs with Shyloh.

Shyloh, me and her Woolie.

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